William Sharto Douglas

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William Sharto Douglas (William Sholto Douglas1893 1 1969), the UK Royal Air Force Marshal. At the University of Oxford. In 1914, I was a field of field artillery. After 1915, I was transferred to the Royal Flight Legion. In the French front line, I won the flying excellent service medal, and I was engaged in commercial flight after the war. In 1920, I was returned by Turklad. In the recall of the army, in 1920-1936, he served as a flight school and the Imperial Defense College. William Sharto Douglas

promoted the Air Force Major General in 1938. In May 1940, he served as a director of the Air Force. In the Battle of British, he opposed the fighter troops, the troops, the tactics of the Ding and 11 fighter brigad Kius Rodney Parker, played the tactics, support the first 12 Fighter Brigade Trafford Le Mallori concentrated on behalf of the team's tactics, the practice proves that the loss of the team is smaller, and the November takes place. Caswall Dine is the commander of the British Fighter Command. Promoting the Air Force.

began to implement the air attack on the French army. His plan is not only to make the pilot to master the active confidence, but also attract the German fighter and defense power from Southeast Europe. At the end of 1942, he took place for the Air Force Commander of the Middle East and the leaders of the military army. Because the African Legion is repeated, this is a quite calm place. In 1944, John Sli was served as commander of the Air Force Coast, with Normandy landing, and committed to the attack of German submarines and submarine factories. Prevent residual German submarines from being fired.

July 1945, the general commander of the German Yingzhang District Air Force, promoted the Air Force Marshal in January 1946, and took the Bernard Labor Montgomery as the general commander of the German Yingzhang District, British area. British representatives of military heads and allies. Advocating severe punishment. In November 1947, I went to China, retired in 1948, Sealing Baron, and then served as a member of the UK and some of the British Airlines, the chairman and other positions, but he had married three times, but only one daughter, so no one succeeded.

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