Why don't you socialism?

honggarae 20/12/2022 424
Why don't you socialism generally refer to Why don't you socialism?

Content introduction

In "Why not socialism", the author Kako first describes a "camping travel" environment, and pointed out in this environment, most people will strongly agree Socialist lifestyle. He then argued that two principles were implemented in camping trips, one is the principle of equalization, one is the principle of sharing, and these two principles are demanding socialism. He is next to discuss two problems in his appearance of the nature: If the socialist is the principle of achieving camping travel in a country, the socialism is still desirable? Is socialism be feasible? For these two questions, especially for the second question, although Cohen has not given a satisfactory answer, it is proposed a series of contemplated insights.

Author's introduction

Ga Cohen, Au Souls College, Wanling College (The Chichele Professor of Social and Political theory, the world famous political philosopher, analyzing Marxist pioneer and one of the main representatives. His representatives have: "Carl Marx's History Theory - A Defense" (Oxford University Press 1978), "History, Labor and Freedom" (Oxford University Press 1988 Edition), "Self, Free Peace, etc. "(Cambridge University Press 1995)," If you are an epistem, how can you be so rich, "Harvard University Press 2000 Edition)," Save Justice and Equality "(Harvard University Press 2008 Edition).

Works directory



1, camping travel

two, camping travel Principle

three, is this ideal?

four, is this ideal? Human selfishness, or poor social technology is its obstacle?

5, conclusions


Appendix analysis of Marxist flagners, socialist equality of glasses - Memorial Ga Cohen

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