Tunisia's Arabs Residential Area

honggarae 28/10/2022 353

World Cultural Heritage

Basic Information

Heritage Name: Tunisia 's Arab grouped area

Medina of Tunis

Selection time: 1979 (2010 expansion range)

Selection basis: Cultural Heritage (II) (III) (V)

Geographic Location: N36 49 0.012 E10 10 0.012

Heritage area: 2.9641 square kilometers

Heritage number: 36bis

Heritage description

from 12-16 At the century, Tunisia is under the rule of Almohaves and Hafsidees, Tunisia is seen as one of the greatest and most city of Islamic, more than 700 monumental buildings. These include palaces, mosques, maushes and fountains, all showing its past brilliance. In the city ring, the 270-acre Tunisian Tunisian Land is composed of zone, arch channels, alley and dead lanes, and the harmonious and unity of its urban structure. White house forms Tunisia city landscape. It is harmoniously constituted for an important building and a single-style building built in different styles. Tunisia has a significant impact on architecture and decorative art in the East Maglib region. Through its palaces, houses, Muslims and open-air markets, Tunisia is very different from typical Islamic cities in space organizations and daily lives. Tunisian Arab grouped area is located between the sea channel and the Sahara desert transport line, known as the "La Gunitt" edge port to make Tunisia through the Tunisia Bay, is the 3,000-year history of the Mediterranean region, is The treasure gap in the past is also a typical ancient Arab gathering city. Its ancient indigenous people gathered, defensive work, the Arab grouper, Islamic monastery, religious and military combined buildings, make Sovaa into an important part of Islamic national coastal defense system.

In 1979, according to the Cultural Heritage Selection Based on Cultural Heritage, the Arab grouper of Tunisia was approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee as a Cultural Heritage in the World Heritage List. .

World Heritage Committee Evaluation

12 to 16th century, Tunisia is under the rule of Almurhavis and the Hasbs Dynasty, is the most powerful, in the Islamic world. One of the rich people. More than 700 landmark buildings such as palaces, mosques, maushes, Islamic schools and fountains showed its past glory.

Heritage introduction

Tunisian Arab grouped area in Tunisia, Tunisia, Tunisia, is a typical ancient Arab gathering city.

Long history and ancient cultural

Tunisia is located in northern Africa, the South Bank of the Mediterranean, 1200 kilometers long, the West and Algeria are adjacent, southeast and Libya, 162,000 square kilometers . The north is the eastern section of the Atlas Mountains, accounting for 1/3 of the land area, and the middle is a stepped stage of the east and low, the northeast is along the coastal plain, and the south is part of the Sahara desert. The country has a population of 9.1 million. More than 90% of the residents were Arabs, Yu is the Behire and Jewish and European descendants. Tunisia is located between the sea channel and the Sahara desert transport line, and the lagoon is separated from the old neighbors.

The capital Tunisia City is located at the top of the Tunisia Lake, the West Bank of the Mediterranean, is a city with an Arab's breath and an European New Town. Most of the buildings are white, hidden in the green yin of jujube, palm trees, and olive trees, as like floating in the Mediterranean.

Tunisia has a long history and ancient culture. At the beginning of the 9th century BC, Phoeniki has established a trade firm here to form the Carthage City. Later, Carthard developed into a powerful slave empire. In the first 2nd century BC, the Roman Empire defeated Carthage and became the owner here. After that, Tunisia was occupied by Wang Dul, Byzantine. In the 7th century, the Arabs conquered northless and entered Tunisia. In the 13th century, the Hax Dynasty established a powerful Tunisia country. In 1574, Tunisia became a bank of the Osman Turkish Empire. In 1881, it became the protector of France. In 1955, France admitted Tunisia internal autonomy. On March 20, 1956, Tunisia announced independent and established the Kingdom of Tunisia. July 25, 1957, established the Republic of Tunisia. History in Tunisia is a trade center city, is now important cities in the country capital, administrative province.

The historic city of the wind and rain

Tunisian Arab grouped area is located between the sea channel and the Sahara desert transport line, known as "La Gunitt" The remote port makes Tunisia through Tunisia Bay, is a testimony of 3,000 historical history in the Mediterranean area, which is a treasure gallery in the past and the present, and is also a typical ancient Arab gathering city. Its ancient indigenous people gathered, defensive work, the Arab grouper, Islamic monastery, religious and military combined buildings, make Sovaa into an important part of Islamic national coastal defense system.

The lagoon is separated from the Tunisia city built on the mountain. After the war of Gaji, after a historical period with Carthage, Tunisia was rebuilt in the next century.

In the Africa region, Tunisia was rebuilt during the Africa region. The destruction of Carthage is the decisive factor reconstructed by Tunisia. Shortly afterwards, Tunisia has built many port facilities. During the 894-905 short-lived Aglagi Dynasty, Tunisia was the capital of Africa. In the subsequent BC 909-1057, the Fatima Dynasty and the Zirid Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty, Mahdia and Keluwan were their capital. In 1160, Almohaves (the Berman leader of the Shi Shi Dish) is set to Tunisia.

1228 - 1574, Tunisia is the capital of Hax, which is from the Magley Brings from Ali Avez. During this period, Tunisia developed to historical peaks. When 1574 was replaced by the Osman Turkey, Tunis lost the status as the capital. Due to the presence of the trade, plundering in the sea (the latter reached a climax), Tunisia entered a period of economic boom. Under the governance of the Hussein Dynasty, 17 and 18th Century, the construction project is concentrated, and the city landscape formed has been reserved.

Urban structure

In the city loop, the 270-acre Tunisian Tunisian Land is composed of zone of the street, arch channel, alley and dead lane. The harmonious and unity of its urban structure is eye-catching. White house forms a city landscape of Tunisia. For important buildings built in different styles (such as 732, the big mosque) and a single-style building (such as the Turkish Sidi Mahrez Mosque with Turkish Style, 1675) Harmoniously constitute a whole.

Tunisia has had a major impact on architecture and decorative art in the East Maglib region. Through its palaces, houses, Muslims and open-air markets, Tunisia is very different from typical Islamic cities in space organizations and daily lives. In the whole, Meditatin is a high-out example that has changed in traditional human living lifestyle with the change of social economy and social culture.

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