
honggarae 07/10/2022 462

Torch is not

In July 1942, the British and American head decided to implement the "Torch" action plan of North Africa, and appointed the general commander of the General Eisenhower to "Torch" Action. In late September, Joint Meeting of the Director of the United States and Britain established the details of the "Torch" operation plan in London, and decided that the two armies were logged in in Algiers, Orange and Casablanca, North Africa on November 8. The main ports coastal, and then seized Tunisia from the Algiers landing troops, and then stand up to the North Africa's British army to fight, destroyed in the German troops in North Africa.

13 of the US military army who participated in the "Torch" combined with three special teams in the western, central and eastern. The western special condemniarie command is departed from the US military, from the United States home, cross the Atlantic, login in Morocco, Casablanca; the central dendering team and the eastern special leaders are directed by the US Army Freden Dolong and Lai Deee, from the UK Departure, login in Algeria's Orange and Algiers.

On November 8, 1942, more than 10 Wan Yingli will take 664 warships and transportation vessels to land in Algiers, Oran and Casablanca. The coalition was only subjected to the slight resistance of the French. On November 11th, the general commander of the French commander in North Africa, the Navy announced Darlan announced that Dallan was out of the Vichi government, ordered the French army to ceasefire, and joined the coalition. After the Allies landed successfully, the British No. 1 team army and the US 2nd army continued to advance to East to capture Tunisia City and Pi Dagang.

Hitler's landing actions of the Allies are unprepared, but he has responded quickly. He commanded the occupation of Vichy France, while using a transport machine to continuously ship the troops to Tunisia. On October 10, 1942, the Germans pretended to Tunisia. On December 9, 1942, Hitler will compose the 5th armored group army in Tunisia, and appointed Anima will be commanded. Through continuous reinforcement, the 5th Group's Army gradually expanded to 2 armored divisions of German, 1 Motochemical infantry and 2 pedestrian divisions and 3 Italian steppers. Anim has established a defense line in the northern mountains of Tunisia and gradually advances to the advancement of the Britain 1st Army and the 2nd Army.

Battle of Battle

December 26, 1942, the Larmeur rate of the African armored group army (including 30,000 people) and 130 Multiple tanks retreat to Marlett defense in the junction of Libya and Tunisia, close to Anim's troops. Hitler Commands Longmeir to return to China after consolidating the new position. His African armored group army will also be renamed Italy's first group army, from Italy, Marshal Marshal Marshal.

On January 14, 1943, British and American head met at the Casablanca, decided to set up the aater in the North African battlefield, and the general commander of the United States's Eisenhower General, the UK's Alexander General is the deputy commander. The North African army has been the 18th Group of Military Groups, the Ying No. 1, the Yingdin No. 1, the Yingdon, the Command of the Command, and the United States of Freden Dolue, the United States of Freden Dolle, the United States. The commander of Alexander Group military group, unified command all the ground forces in North Africa.


War opportunities

Longmeir has kept a new combat opportunity before leaving. At that time, the Ying No. 8 of the Longmele's positive, the army did not pose a threat to the Maret line, and the Montgomery was busy reopened Tripi Hong Kong after capturing Tripi, and the new offensive needs to be prepared for a while. And the Yingdin 1st Army, which is located in the west, the United States of Freden Dolue, threatens his rear. Longmeir is determined to use the central position between the two enemy, first defeating the Allies behind him with the backpack, and then heads to deal with Montgomery. This is an excellent plan, but it is difficult to encounter difficulties in the implementation, and the 5th armored group army does not return to Mel, and the cooperation of Longmeir and Anim is not coordinated.


Main Attack Location

Longmeir's offensive program was cracked by the Allies, but they made a mistake of the German main attack, and Eisenhower's commander and the British No. 1 Military Command considered the enemy. The offensive location of the army is near Fengduk. To this end, the Allies deployed heavy soldiers behind Feng Duk.

February 14, 1943, the German army launched an attack on the code "Spring Breeze". The North of Arnim's No. 5 Army launched a main attack from the Ford Mountain, the second army of the United States, and the Germans 10 and 21st armored divisions were struck, and the 1st armored division of the United States was killed, and Zi Dubzzide was captured. On the 15th, the Southern Longmere troops also captured Cava to force Fernarina. On the 17th, Longmeir took up Ferryna.

Longmeir plans to advance from Ferriana to the northwest of Algeria, to cut off the traffic line of the British and American Allies, thus developing tactical victory into strategic victory. However, although he got the support of the Deman Clear of Rome, he did not reach Anim's cooperation. Arnim controlled the armored troops.

After compromising, although LOMER has received the command of the 10th and 21st armored divisions, but he has to attack Leakov in the northeast. In this way, Londole faces the front of the British and American Allies, not behind. Longmeir can't help but get a trip. In his opinion, this means that "it will not be close to the enemy's front. It will make us attack the strong enemy."

attack forward

1942 this morning At 2:30, Longmeir began to attack the direction of Lekov. On February 20, 1943, Londer captured the Kasaylin port and then advised to Tarra in the south of Lekov. But Longmeir didn't capture Tara, his offensive was blocked by the Allies' reinforcements. Until On February 22nd, Longmeir stopped attacks and ordered the troops to retreat. Longmele's attack as an attack of "limited", it can be said to be the glory of the results. But he failed to achieve the strategic goal of forcing the Allies withdraw Tunisia, although this goal seems very close.

UK Military Theory Lidel Hart said: "If Longmeir hosses this battle from the beginning, it is possible to achieve it, such a goal may be possible. If you can quickly capture the US military base and center airport with a large amount of reserves, the Allies will no longer hold their position in Tunisia. "

US military loss

Londole The offense made the US military suffered significant losses. 3,000 people were killed in 30,000 people, 4,000 people were captured, 260 tanks were destroyed or seized, which was the most serious failure of the US military in the battlefield of North Africa. The mashed-humiliated Eisenhower removing Freden Dolue, appointed Brandong Major General, the second army of the United States. Barton (desire to opponent), I was eager to fight with Longmeil. He said: "I don't know how many times to his book, studying his battles, and self-recognize him. The wish is to be with him. Turning to killing. "

February 23, 1943, Hitler appointed Longmeir as the newly established African armored group military commander, unified command of Arnim's 5th armored Group Army and Mercet 1st Group 1 (The African Armor Group Army). After Laomeier got new power, I decided not to wait for Montgomery to attack, and immediately launched an attack. However, Montgomery has mastered the direction of this attack from the password deciphering machine, and the exact time of this attack is transferred from the coast to Longmele to the southern area of ​​the breakthrough, assembled nearly 4 teachers. The soldiers, 400 tanks, 350 cannons and 470 anti-tank cannon near Medin, have established a strict line.

Offensive Medin

March 6th, Longmeur's 160 tanks of 3 and a half-necklace (less than 1 armor master should have) Under the support of 200 cannons and 10,000 infantry, we attacked Medina. At 8 o'clock in the morning, when the German armored armor advanced to a ridge of Metinin's 15 kilometers, Nearly 500 anti-tank cannons deployed by Montgomery. To at noon, the German armored units still unable to break through. The Documents seized by the British captive and reconnaissance camps have confirmed that Montgomery has in advance, for every detail of Longmeir's action plan. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Longmeir ordered the cancellation of this attack. 160 tanks lost 50 vehicles. He lamented: "From the beginning, we did not make the enemy caught off guard, so this action lost its meaning."

Montgomery slowly approached Maret defense, the Allies controlled Black and 海权 权, the Germans lacks replenishment and reinforcement force. Longmeir is clearly realized that his arm has been frequently contacted, continue to stay in Tunisia is equal to suicide, and he proposes to Hitler to return to Europe, but refused to Hitler. On March 9th, Longmeur was asked coldly to return to the country and returned to the country, and he left North Africa, Animi took commandment. I want to hear the news with Batton with Longmeir.

Final decisive battle

1943 Montgomery Command Ying No. 8 Army attacked Maret defense line, Barton commanded the 2nd Army also attacked Marete defense from southwest 3 days ago rear. On March 26th, Mercera was forced to retreat from the Maret defense from the Maret defense. On April 6, Montgomery broke through Gabess, and on April 8th with Barton, the East Jun. On April 10, the 8th Army of the Britain 8 also occupied Sfark. By mid-April, the Allies completed the heaven of the German army. Longmeir's succession of Anima's African armored group group has more than 14 million people in the northern part of Tunis, and his three armored divisions have only more than 120 tanks, and the combat materials are extremely short, and there is no replenishment. A total of 30 million troops in Alexander's 18th Group, with 1400 tanks and more than 1,000 artillery. Black and systematic sea rights are also mastered in the hands of the Allies.

On April 16th, Alexander issued a total of the code "Blacksmith", requiring the troops to compete for the German army of the entire arc line. Anderson's No. 1 team of Anderson served as the main attack, into the enemy's central defense, direct Tunisia City; Montgomery's Ying No. 8 Army in southern, the enemy's left-wing launched an attack; Bledre's beauty of the 2nd army in north, hit The enemy's right wing is to win the Big Hong Kong as a target; the 19th army expands the results of the attack on the left side of Montgomery and Anderson.

US tank

At 9:30 pm on April 19, Montgomery first attacks on the south. On April 22, Anderson Commanded Ying Yun No. 1 Army launched a main attack in the Central front, and Arnim concentrated on the intense resistance of its armor, the first group army progressed slowly. Alexander adjusted the 7th armored division from Montgomery, the 4th Indian Infantry and 201 Guardow Brigade gave Anderson to enhance the fight against the British No. 1 Army. On May 6th, under the support of 400 artillery and tactical air force, the British No. 1 team army strived, and the German troops finally lined up, and the next steps. At the same time, under the continuous oppression of the 2nd army, the German army line in the north began to be rejoined inward. On May 7, Anderson Commanded Ying No. 1 Army attacked Tunisia, and soon, the 2nd Army of Bradley commanded the Biya Hong Kong. In the future, the British Malshid said in its "End of Africa": "The Germans have been completely scared, when they see the British tanks, I feel that the hands and feet are not. The German general has Unable to get a command, because he has lost contact with its part. In fear, the Germans rushed to the beach, but they found no boat, no plane, so the army collapsed. "


On May 13, the Audong will be surrendered to the Allies, about 100,000 in German, and only 633 people were escaped from the sea. Tunisia will end with the victory of the Allies.


After 2 years and 8 months, the North Africa war ends. The Allies in North Africa, so that the Mediterranean Waters will be unblocked, and the next step has created conditions to return to Europe through Sicily.

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