Three countries

honggarae 27/02/2023 372


Wei is located in the Central Plains, the people all abundant resources, commodity economy is relatively developed, so Yijiao stable currency. Initially to Gubo for the currency, that is abolished after only seven months, and then again to restore circulation five baht money, just like Han system , Han five baht money than the body smaller, notable feature is the external pressure Guo five and pressure baht.

Sun Wu

Sun Wu is located in the south, property rich, rich people Yijiao, but the implementation of Sun Quan Tousen Big Spring, Big Spring Big Spring two thousand and five thousand several varieties. In the end is torn between officials and the public, extreme fiscal deficit, the IMF instability, and finally die out.


located Bachuan Shu, Zirandeli conditions are excellent, known as land of abundance name. But Liu Shu Birds coins also contrary to public opinion, also has cast some imaginary value of a lot of money similar to Sun Wu, the common people more is not happy with, after the cast had to change in order to appease the resentment of real worth. Even trying to currency regulation and, finally, the failure can not escape the fate of subjugation.

Three countries

Economic and coins in circulation

Land Yizhou Liu Bei Three Kingdoms period of fertile, rich, the Eastern Han Dynasty war also suffered mild compared with the Central Plains, it Shehuijingji faster than Northern Development . After the founding of Shu, Zhuge Liang also sent renovation and care Dujiangyan irrigation to protect the Chengdu Plain. The beginning of the Northern Expedition Wei, Zhuge Liang and Mita has implemented the system in Hanzhong area, not only to reduce the rations of transport, also contributed to the recovery and development of agricultural production in the north. Shu handicraft to salt, iron and brocade most developed industries. In particular, Chengdu brocade "technique house, a hundred rooms off rooms, loom phase and" exported Wu, Wei, is a major source of military spending. Shudu Chengdu was also the one of the largest commercial city, "the city of Chan will, thousands of businessmen abyss; columns tunnel Barry, Luo store giant one thousand;. And goods Hill plot, Qian Li Xing Fan," one can imagine it thriving scene.

Sun Wu Jianghuai area where Shekuaijingji a late start, so the most backward. However, due to fewer wars here, coupled with a large number of people in the north moved south, here to bring advanced production technology and a lot of labor, agricultural production and Shekuaijingji southern region has been developing rapidly. Wu coupled with the establishment of early and vigorously promote the Mita system, tension, significantly expanding farming area, farming techniques and agricultural production has been greatly improved.

After Wei was founded in the economy has taken some measures, such as the implementation of Tun Tianzhi to recruit landless or no livestock farmers, farming guantian unified organization, this is an effective way to organize the refugees returned to agriculture , objectively played a progressive role in the organization of production, restore social order, Wei enhance the strength of a unified South has laid a solid material foundation. At the same time, where sparsely populated south, expand open area, water conservancy, increase production; build a large-scale government-run handicraft workshops, development of handicraft production. Then south of Wuchang smelting center, gold and silver and even copper alloy manufacturing industry is very developed, in addition to shipbuilding, ceramics, silk industry, salt industry, and so on are also well developed. Wei was a lot of state-owned commercial traffic trade center of the city, and some countries also have trade exchanges overseas business economy also developed.

Northern and Southern Dynasties period

After the Western Jin Dynasty unified the country, accounting for agricultural field system and launched a class field system, which is the main land system of the Western Jin Dynasty. Western Jin Dynasty was faced with after three long war recession situation. Western Jin Dynasty took Nongsang award, in recognition of the economic policies of production, displaced persons recall, increase agricultural population, officials in recognition of the production is done well. Also building water conservancy projects also achieved good results, has been restored Shehuijingji development. To the Eastern Jin Dynasty, southern my country economy has been some development, improved agricultural production technology, a large number of land reclamation. The implementation of precision farming, cattle farming to promote the farming of faster, the yield is much improved. Start construction of water conservancy project to expand the irrigated area, prevention of flood disasters, making the crops grow better. Handicraft industry, metallurgy industry has been the development of the invention "irrigation steel" technique, the pig iron and wrought iron mixed together, the process is simple, high production efficiency, and better quality of steel. Textile with linen cloth into a variety increased, the quality improved. At that time the paper has been completely replaced bamboo and silk brocade. Trade is also a great development, North-South frontier and foreign trade mainly in the hands of rulers, many privately run business, the bulk goods transactions are food, cloth, fish, salt and other daily necessities and a few luxuries. After the conclusion after three stable due to the gradual unification of the country and society, has been restored and the development of the economy, people experienced a long period of war desire for economic development even more urgent.

coins in circulation

Three in our Southern and Northern Dynasties, all over the country compete to mint coins, mint coins large scale, the sheer number, unprecedented. According to historical records, when the mint coins "stacked like Okayama, ShangXi deal with on-board money." At that time had to mint coins with raw materials - iron out "thousands of kilograms plug Fushan dam burst." Seen as much money, has come to what extent. At that time people thought think that money can manipulate human destiny, mainly in the social atmosphere the love of money, such as life. Emperor Wu Maiguan money into private door. Private door (powerful people) sell official post, is the love of money is a way. Nobles Zijin door of the GAO, is extremely cheap for merchants of view. Decree philistine had to wear headscarves, state the name of the towel and sell the item name, kicked the white shoes, black shoes with one foot. Low social status of merchants, but merchants cater to multi-Nobles, because business is not cheap but disdain for the industry. There are many big celebrities such as Wang Rong Sonoda, personally took the chips afterwards, very, very busy day and night. Lee family has a good, well kind of fear buyers, broken drill core Li just got ShangXi sell. Powerful people occupy the building water conservancy Shueiduei, for others Tsuishine reward, called Chung tax. Pan "homebound Fu sequence," said he lived in the garden selling fresh fish, vegetables and goat cheese, and Chung income tax, family life comfortable. Visible is another method of doing business as greedy. When King Hui, Shi Chong did Jingzhou provincial governor, foreign envoys and rob passengers, property accumulated great wealth. Families with more than thirty Shueiduei area, more than 800 slaves, a lot of money and treasures fields and houses. Rob greedy is seen yet another method. "Jin law" provides the death penalty since the money can be used atonement. The love of money even committed a crime, not necessarily a capital offense, capital offense, but also redeem gold jin, so long as there is money available, they dare to adopt any method.

Jin ruling class love money, only money is seeking, later known as the "ghost money." Which also affected people in society, money dominate people's communication, talk, act, and so on.

my country's ancient cereals, cloth as currency in circulation in the market, this situation had already appeared in the early Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty more prevalent. To our Western Jin Dynasty, Eastern Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the situation is even more impressive.

currency exchange

According to historical records, our Northern and Southern Dynasties, in the north-south confrontation in the long term, despite the war constantly, but in the space of war, economic exchanges are always continuous, commodity exchange is very active; and in the Southern, Northern commodity exchange, the currency is almost abandoned, are using the silk in the commodity exchange.

From the time Southern, Northern commodity exchange species point of view, need to Northern Southern items are sugar cane, tangelo, and northern officials, nobles enjoy luxury item; Northern Southern urgently needed items are: horses, camel fur, and so on.

At that time the Southern, Northern way exchange of commodities are mainly two: First, the official organizer of the "city pass", presided over by the official Southern Northern Dynasty; the second is smuggling, the smuggling in the private sector, government officials, troops have middle. According to historical records, Emperor Wen Liu Yilong Yuan Jia twenty-seven years (450 AD), Song is the second year of the post-war Wei, Wei put forward the two countries 'frontier' Song request to the court to seek the views of ministers Jiangxia Wangyi Gong Jianping Wang, He is still the Ho Yan, have expressed support frontier, but Liuyuan Jing, Wang Xuan Jammu and other ministers opposed to immediately frontier, on the grounds that "Krupp although frontier, in fact, look into the depths situation, promised them, shall have trouble on the frontier." . However, the court may take into account the frontier between the two countries made a lot of economic interests, but finally agreed.

Our ancient times, often with grain, cloth

instead of currency

circulating in the market. Wang Mang usurped the throne and in the Eastern Han Dynasty, sometimes in the market Gubo also served as a means of payment instead of money in circulation, but to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Gubo instead of currency in circulation in the market the longest time, a wider scope, so that in the community once a "waste money", "forget money," "not allowed to make money" phenomenon. This is because the lack of money in the market. Han Jin dynasty rulers mainly follow the "five baht money" currency, so the small number of coins, was far from meeting the needs of market circulation. According to the "three generations of the whole ancient Three Kingdoms Six Gavin full Song," recorded at the time of the Southern Song Taichen Fan Tai, had written memorials reflecting a decrease of treasury money market liquidity situation of acute shortage of currency used, is an obvious example. Therefore, people in the market have to use Gubo as currency in circulation and monetary system is not unified. Southern and Northern Dynasties, social unrest larger, pre-Wei Jin, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen Sung south; later, the North first, Sixteen Kingdoms, after the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi Dynasty, Northern Zhou dynasties one after another turnover. Since the dynasty continues to change, resulting in very unified monetary system, the Southern monetary system does not work in Northern, Northern monetary system also Bunengshihang in the Southern, so people would rather accept Gu Bo in the Southern, Northern commodity exchange, rather than accepting money . Prevailing market price volatility, Emperor Xiaowen Taihe seven years (AD 483 years), South Qida Chen Wei Liu Zan see gold on the market, jade, jewelry price is lower than the Southern several times, surprised, Northern Wei sent a hospitality of host and guest order lied: "I do not re-Jin North Korea, so cheap with rubble." also, the North Weiwen Cheng Tai Xing'an first year (AD 452 years), Shaanxi cities and towns will see Cui wide Hongnong this place produced paint, wax, bamboo , cheap wood better than the Southern market several times, so he used his authority smuggling, made a fortune. Thus, when the Southern, Northern market price difference is so great that people believe in the Southern, Northern commodity exchange, accepting Gubo smaller than accept currency risk, safe and reliable guarantee. These are some of the characteristics of money circulation in the Southern and Northern Dynasties in my country.

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