STM (dedicated transmission module)

honggarae 25/09/2021 1050

STM-(Special Transmission Module)

It interfaces with standard ETCS vehicle equipment through STMFFFIS. The combination of STM and ETCS on-board equipment realizes a set of functions that will meet the requirements of the target on-board system (national train control system).

The STM module specified by ETCS is actually the national train control system incompatible with ETCS used in the earliest European countries. In my country's CTCS2, STM is defined as a continuous information receiving module, which is used to receive track circuit information, and can receive ZPW-2000 series track circuits and 4 information, 8 information, 18 information and other traditional frequency shift track circuit information. STM timely transmits the ground track circuit information to the safety computer (vc) and the train operation monitoring and recording device (LKJ). The author thinks there is something wrong with the definition. When the company continued to introduce foreign equipment, the continuous information receiving module was renamed TCR (TmekCircuitReader). STM refers to the entire system including track circuit information reception and train control equipment. But regardless of the scope of STM, it does not affect its communication interface design.

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