Service labor

honggarae 03/10/2022 543


Service labor

Service Labor (2 photos)

Service Labour


Service Labor Features Yes, workers directly meet the needs of consumers in their utility. When the service worker is creating some kind of utility, although material data and live labor are consumed, 1 most do not condense in some kind of physical, there is no materialization. For example, the laborers in the hotel have a certain material consumption and labor consumption for the reception of passengers, so that the needs of passengers are met, but they do not leave anything. This is a typical service labor manifestation. 2 Part of the service labor, after providing the consumer, material consumption and live labor consumption are also materialized on a certain substant, but does not show the sale of physical products, and the performance is a labor exchange. For example, the garment store is a customer processing of clothes, and the woodworking of the street skewers will make furniture for customers, and the workers who are playing cotton are processed by residents, and so on.

Service Labor This characteristic has aroused the controversy of its nature of economics. From Marx's comment on A. Smith to today, service labor is a production labor or non-production labor, and people still have a hand. The focus is to create a material product. A scholar who holds the prior point of view believes that the utility of service labor provides a special use value is a product, which is wealth and is therefore productive. A scholar who holds the next point of view believes that service labor is not materialized in real, and cannot constitute material wealth, and it cannot be treated as a production labor.

However, with the development of modern socio-economic development, the proportion of service labor in the total amount of social labor has gradually increased. This requires people to pay attention to service labor and properly treat the results of the service.

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