Queen Your Majesty

honggarae 17/06/2022 572


The British government uses this title because in the UK Constitution, administrative power is a monarch, and is exercised by officials. In fact, the government is an administrative organ consisting of monarchic officials. In other British Federal countries, the term "government" refers only to the administrative organ, does not include Congress and courts.

Queen Your Majesty

In an international occasion, in order to avoid confusion with other British Federal Kingdom, the British government generally uses the Queen's United Kingdom or Queen's Majesty Government.

The history of the name

In the history of the British Empire, "the name of the British Master" started from the Empire Government of London. With the composition of the Commonwealth, the autonomy of the autonomy began to obtain independent sovereignty, and in the political status, the same kingdom (United Kingdom), so since the 1920s to the 1930s, the autonomous governments other than the British government have also used "Kings under the government." "The name, and the colony, overseas territories, and the province's government still use the title of" 〇〇 government ". At the time, there was also "Ireland's Irish Free Bang Government".

However, most of the Federal Kingdom of Britain has changed the title of "〇 政 government", so the British government is the main user of the title of "Queen's Government". The word "Queen's British Government" is generally used in handling diplomacy, the most common application is on the British passport. Although the Bank of Commonwealth has rarely use the name of "Queen's Government", but it is still legal.

Using the

government officials often use abbreviations HMG to describe the members of the British cabinet and senior civil servants of various government departments. This name is derived from the constitutional positions of officials, and through the pivoting court to give the country.

A certain government or cabinet usually identifies the name of the prime minister, such as Bai Gaolton Cabinet.

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