Pulse stone mineral

honggarae 17/12/2022 405

Basic Concepts

ore deposits generally accompanied by unwanted solid raw material called gangue, comprising gangue minerals, with stone, rock fragments and the like. They are generally discarded in the mining and mineral processing process. Too much content in the ore body and surrounding rock fragments with stone, it is relatively lower grade ore, generally referred to as ore dilution.

of ore minerals and ores generally temporary useless gangue minerals. Mineral ore (ore mineral), also known as useful minerals, means may be utilized metal or metalloid minerals, such as copper ore is chalcopyrite, bornite; asbestos in asbestos minerals. Gangue minerals are those that, although accompanied with a mineral ore, but can not be utilized or temporarily can not be utilized in the current technical and economic conditions of minerals, such as copper ore of quartz, sericite and the like; asbestos ores muscovite . The relative content of the ore in the mineral ore and gangue minerals, ores can be divided into the ore i.e. lump ore mineral ore than 80% disseminated ores and ore ores i.e. mineral content less than 80%.

gangue minerals are generally non-metallic minerals, such as calcite. May also be minerals pyrite certain metals, such as copper ore. The most common gangue as ingredients, as well as post-rock alteration of the original ore filling the quartz carbonate veins (calcite), limonite, iron ore and low-temperature alteration of kaolin, talc, mica and chlorite water , epidote minerals.

type gangue minerals, and the content of a symbiotic relationship, the level of ore processing method selection and treatment costs tend to have a significant impact. When gangue iron, may become slag (iron material having a density less than) are removed and the reacted limestone.

ore minerals and gangue minerals is divided with respect to a particular deposit terms. Some available in a mineral deposit, which is a mineral ore. In yet another temporary deposits of this mineral can not be used, it becomes gangue minerals. Similarly, the concept of gangue minerals as well. That is, a mineral ore mineral deposits in a class, and it is in another deposit gangue minerals. For example, it is important in the lead-zinc ore galena and sphalerite ore minerals. In the gold ore also often contain both minerals, but as it is they have very little content and not when the value of comprehensive utilization of gangue minerals. In contrast, in the lead-zinc ore and gold ore gangue minerals are quartz, but in ore silica (sand) deposits in quartz is the only ore minerals. Visible divided mineral ore and gangue minerals is relative, is dynamic, is specific in terms of the deposit. As human requirements for new mineral raw materials continues to grow, strengthen innovation and utilization technology of mineral processing technology of process conditions, there is no use value of certain gangue minerals, will likely become the ore minerals. It should be emphasized here is that not all metal mineral gangue minerals are not the same, not all non-metallic minerals are gangue minerals.

gangue minerals Utilization Research

is selected from metal ore tailings containing not more gangue minerals, and thus allows the mineral processing tailings resources more fully rational use

. However, due to various limitations of the technology, economy, recovery of only certain components therein.

feldspar, quartz, clay mineral

feldspar, quartz, clay minerals and metals are often intergrowth as glass, ceramic main raw materials and ingredients, which will become recovered one of the main gangue minerals.

ion adsorption type rare earth deposits are heavy on the resources of only odd dilute discovered in recent years, mainly in the rare earth ions in the adsorption state based on the twist Guang thereof, mineral mainly composed of quartz, feldspar , kaolinite, and mica. Jiangxi weight of a nonionic Greek recovery of valuable metals mine tailings rare earth, main chemical composition of: SiO273.07%, Al2O313.87%, K2O431%, Fe1.76%, Na2O0.2%, the tailings the quartz content of more than 40%, and the particles between feldspar, clay minerals, by a method of classifying desliming, the correction can be obtained with inexpensive glass ceramic material feldspar, quartz, clay minerals and gangue minerals so that get comprehensive recovery.

molybdenite ore generally containing less than 0.1% molybdenum, 99% or more of gangue minerals, after sorting the mineral coarse and fine rate less than 1%. Henan Luanchuan Molybdenum Ore, mineral components in addition to molybdenum, tungsten, sulfur and other minerals, potassium feldspar 40% of the total ore, about 33% silica, minerals to be very pure. Feldspar, quartz disseminated grain size uniform, the larger diameter of 2 ~ 5mm, the small 0.1 ~ 0.5mm, flat contact interface, easy to dissociate. Grinding fineness key flotation of sulfur is 40% -300 mesh, the fineness adapted feldspar, quartz sorting. Test acidic pulp, flotation tailings flotation treatment process, selected in 45% yield feldspar concentrate and 33% yield of quartz concentrate.


Fluorite is a very important industrial raw materials, non-metallic minerals, fluorite of about 50 to about 60% occurs in summer in a mine error copper and zinc Research from these ores comprehensive recovery of fluorite, has important practical significance. Hunan Shaodong invite a lead-zinc concentrator please Changsha Institute of Nonferrous Metals, lead and zinc in the sorting and utilization of gangue minerals. After analysis, sorting error zinc tailings main component content: CaF213.92%, SiO273.09%, Al2O33.74%, BaSO42.86%, Fe0.63%. The nature of the tailings, the branch flow proceeds flotation test, fluorite concentrate grade was obtained CaF298.78%, CaCO30.46%, SiO20.64%, to achieve the required chemical fluorite.

of ore dressing plant YTC company DaTun sulfide ore plant treated copper-based metal tin polymetallic sulfide ore, obtained after treatment shaker containing fluorite, calcite, iron and sulfur tailings. Tailings from the sludge portion shaker, 0.037 ~ 0.019 mm accounted for about 90% of the material, which contains CaF219.6%, CaCO312.53%, Fe16.25%, S3.44%. Partly from ores shaker, + 0.074 mm accounted for about 85%, which contains CaF216.29%, CaCO316.56%, Fe12.57%, S3.33%, part of the material which is ground to 0.15 mm was selected. Processing plant used for the first roughing process, a sweeping election, selection of 5 to 7 times. Reagent system is: sodium carbonate 5000 g / t, oleic acid, 250 g / t, sodium silicate 120 g / t. Pulp controlling the pH between 8 and 9, the desulfurization rate was controlled at 95% or more. The resulting concentrate grade fluorspar industrial test CaF295 ~ 97%, 35 to 55% recovery.

Our Bayan Obo mine is a world famous large rare earth deposits, mineral wide range of comprehensive utilization of mineral for much more than 30 species, mainly iron, rare earth, fluorite and other useful minerals in selected simultaneously recovering rare earth iron tailing, fluorite has been recovered.


in the non-ferrous metals, gold and silver in rare earth deposits are the main gangue minerals barite, barite often associated with various sulfide and oxide, and quartz, fluorite, magnesite symbiosis. In recent years, the comprehensive utilization of barite at home and abroad have done a lot of research and practice, and achieved gratifying results.

a plurality of metal deposits Lyon, France, the average mineral content, is useful minerals: 15% sphalerite, chalcopyrite 6.5%, 0.3% galena, pyrite 35.4%. Gangue minerals: barite 26.1% 12.7% Other (chlorite, quartz silicate gangue). By analysis of the technical characteristics of the ore, using a roughing, scavenging and a selection of three flotation process at a pH of 9.5, with an alcohol under conditions of MelioranB109 sulfate, sulfur copper zinc processing flotation tailings, get a grade of 98% recovery of 73.33% of barite concentrate.

Shaanxi a gold, silver polymetallic ores, ore mainly sulphide ore: 12.5% ​​pyrite, galena 4.6%, 5.2% sphalerite; gangue minerals: barite 51.5%, 14% quartz, 10% of sericite. Tailings after main mineral sulfide ore flotation is barite, approximately 60% content. Ying Xian West Province Bureau of Geology and Mineral Testing Center to direct the use of flotation tailings re-election - shaker recovered barite, barite concentrate to obtain qualified: grade BaSO487.98%, recovery of 65%.

Mountain View County leaching copper mine in Jiangsu Province since the operation, over the years tailings yield of about 90 to 95%. Tailings are the major mineral content: 54.61% siderite, barite, 9.32%, 3.26% pyrite, hematite 1.04%, 30.99% quartz, siderite and taking into account both the barite floatability similar characteristics, the magnetic flotation recovery of siderite and barite recovery. Recovery of barite flotation process, the ultimate test is obtained with BaSO495.3%, 77.48% recovery of high-quality barite ore.

dolomite and magnesite

dolomite and magnesite are two main gangue minerals in the metal deposits, domestic and new applications are being widely developed such gangue minerals . The refractory material used to make the ceramic material and the production of silica brick and glass, cement and other building materials and raw materials. Poland also explored the metal ore flotation tailings of magnesite and dolomite separated, as raw materials to produce calcium and magnesium fertilizer, dolomite or separately sorted out as dolomite sold.

in the occurrence of a lead-zinc dolomite, metal ore mainly has: 7% sphalerite, galena about 15%, 3.5% pyrite gangue minerals mainly clouds stone, accounting for about 80% of the total, followed by barite and magnesite, the content of each of 3%. Lead and zinc flotation tailings after sorting has reached flux, refractories I grade industrial requirements dolomite, so mine-free construction of the tailings dam, achieve the purpose of full utilization of mineral resources.

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