
honggarae 01/06/2022 619

disparate ideas

Have a great thinker and a number of important documents for the oligarchy of the views listed after such as:

First, a person to Aristotle rule for the monarchy, the ruling minority for the aristocracy, the majority rule is democracy; and these three forms of corruption of the regime, followed by the authoritarian political oligarchy and mob rule.

Second, the ink KeYi End (maciver) said that: Most of the people or the general had never ruled, but the real rule is to master the task is often in the hands of a few people. The so-called constitutional system problems, is as a person, especially by the relationship between the rulers of the relationship between the minority of the minority rulers of the majority. On this awareness, whether minority or per capita is responsible for the majority of people, that is oligarchy.

Third, Weber's New World Dictionary of American English explanation: oligarchy is the Department of a political system, its right to rule as a minority dominated. Also that the ruling oligarchy is the right of a country to grasp the hands of a few persons. To sum up, the right of a country ruled by a minority department, or one political system dominated by a handful of people who can be called oligarchy. Like the ancient Spartans (sparta) although the two kings, in fact, a oligarchy of the country.

Fourth, Weber New International Dictionary states: a political oligarchy is ruled by a minority of; shape a form of government, its power is the exercise at hand, the State Department or a minority of the minority ruled. Usually oligarchy and aristocracy are different, because the former Department of one kind or selfish corruption scheme to a few people for the purpose of the rule.

Fifth, Columbia Encyclopedia Zeyue: a politics of oligarchy is ruled by a minority of. If this minority rule it shall be deemed as compared with other human good, but best suited to rule, then this is a political aristocracy. The word oligarchy and contain a bit disdainful, and those are the political oligarchy majority government, in fact, will use a different name for itself and comply with certain other systems of the appearance of the image.

historical origin

oligarchy often may become a tool for change. It insisted that the monarch or dictator to share power, thereby opening the door to the other elements of society to share power. An example of this had happened in 1215, when British nobility together, forcing England's King John signed the Magna Carta. Political forces so they tacitly reduced's King John and the initial recognition of the existence of oligarchy. As English society continued to develop, the Magna Carta they were in 1216, 1217 and 1225 are constantly modified to ensure that more people get more rights, and thus embarked on the road of the British monarchy.

In ancient oligarchy family regard, one example is the Medici family, a very powerful family in Florence from. Modern aspects of a family oligarchy example, is common in South Africa or Tunisia twentieth century twentieth century. Here, the basic characteristics of oligarchy are particularly easy to detect, because the oligarchy in the form of South Africa is based on race, after the Boer War between English-speaking and Afrikaans whites reached a tacit agreement. They account for only two percent of the population, but they have exclusive access to education and all trade. Although this process since the mid-18th century has been in operation, but after 1948 it became official government policy and became a world-famous South African apartheid. Until 1994, the arrival of democracy in South Africa, led by the majority of blacks elected government ended the policy.

In some countries in Latin America, the concept of political oligarchy is expanded to include government and military officials, and suggests important nepotism, nepotism only person to enter the circles of power, or entrusted military power, so the ruling group was more at ease.

Some authors such as Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto · (Vilfredo Pareto), Italian jurist / political theorist Mosca (Gaetano Mosca) and Germany Shehuixuejia Robert Michel Wales believe that any political system will eventually be transformed into oligarchy (oligarchy golden rule). According to this idea, it should be seen as a modern democratic system of elected oligarchy. In this system, the actual difference between political opponents is relatively small, because the careers of politicians heavily dependent on financial resources and media do not have elections, such as the media consortium to master, master of political contributions gold master, master contacts power brokers ... and so on, no matter who is elected and they had to compromise and share power, so they become invisible underground group of government and last forever.

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