Nicholas Carlo

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Caldo is born in Hungary Budapest a relatively wealthy Jewish family, father is a lawyer. After graduating from secondary school, he listens to University of Berlin. After graduating from secondary school, go to the UK, in 1927 to 1930, at the London Economic and Political Academy. From 1932, he served at the Assistant, lecturer, associate professor until 1947. From 1947 to 1949, the Director of the European Economic Commission in Geneva is going to the European Economic Commission. After returning to the UK in 1949, he was attended at the Cambridge University of the Cambridge University. In 1952, it was assessed by Associate Professor. In 1966, Professor was promoted, retired in 1975, and transferred to honorary professors. During this time, he has served as tax advisers from India, Ceylon, Mexico, Ghana, British Guyana, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, and he served as the Group of European Economic Commission Research and Planning Group, and two degrees. Serving the Special Consultants of the British Minister of Finance (1964-1968, 1974-1976), also have been an economic adviser of the UN Economic Commission in the Latin America. He also served as a special economic adviser for the financial ministers of the British Labor Party Government. In 1974, he was awarded the Baron's title for its participation in his participation, and became a locker of the House of House.


Caldo has not jumped out of the traditional marginal economics in the 1930s, but it is considered that he has shown his in theory "foundation" ". Among them, the "spider web theory" he named, that is, the theory of market stability conditions (1933), is known as the "Caldo Compensation Test" in Welfare Economics. The latter is a standard that Caldo is proposed in the article "Comparison of Economics's Welfare Proposition and Individual" (1939). On the basis of the concept of V. Pareto's "Best Status" concept, new welfare is proposed to determine whether an economic change has improved social welfare is: At the same time, there is no one to suffer. loss. But in fact, adopting a policy. In general, some people will always be improved, and others are lost. In this case, how do you discriminate the social welfare effect of this policy? Carlo proposed: Suppose (not necessarily practical), by redistribution, the loss of people will be compensated from the beneficiary, each person's situation has improved, which can judge this economic change. The welfare of the entire society has been improved. This is a theory of establishing a marginal marginal effect order.

j.m. After the publication of Cairns, the theoretical interest in Carnes gradually turned into macroeconomics by microeconomics. In 1940, he issued a paper entitled "Economic Cycle Model", using Keynes' investment - savings analysis, establish a new economic cycle theory, which is a sign of Carrem to the Cairns camp. After that, he wrote a large number of papers on macroeconomic issues, and became an important member of the British Keynes Economics (New Cambridge School). One of the most famous one is his "two different allocation theories" published in 1956. Traditional income distribution theory, determine the price of various production factors to indicate the distribution of national income, which belongs to microscopic economics. Caldo's investment in Cairns, which is based on macro, and combined with economic growth to explain the distribution of national income.

He divides the national income y to two major parts of profit (or property income P) and wage (or labor income W); the relative share of profit in national revenue is dependent on investment rate ( The ratio I / Y) and profit storage tendency of national income (SGR SP) and wage savings tendency (saving ratio SW in wages). Under normal circumstances, the salarish stock tends to be equal to zero, that is, SW = 0, the relative share of the profit depends on the investment rate and the savings tendency of the profit. The higher the investment rate, the bigger the share of profit in national income. The profit of the profit is so high, the lower the share of the profit in the national income. If the profit is all used for savings, the relative share of profits will be consistent with the investment rate. Profit is determined in the share of national income, and the remaining amount is the share of salary. This analysis is a negation of the traditional theory that determines the income distribution of the marginal productivity. Economic growth models submitted later in Caldo, in the analysis method, and his macro-income allocation theory is a pulse. According to the model of Carldo, if the salary savings is equal to zero, the savings of the profit less than 1 (ie, not all for savings), the economic growth rate must maintain the profitability profitability and the product of the profitability, etc., to make the economy Steady growth.

Cardo's tax policy proposition is also associated with his income allocation theory. In 1955, he issued a "Consumption Tax" book, advocating the system from the current system of income tax treasures to the actual expenditure tax. He believes that the income distribution in the capitalist society is unfair, and the rich should be paid in the tax system, and the poor will pay less. He actively recommended the use of capital income tax during the special consultant of the Minister of the Labor Party Government, and the re-distribution of income, and the use of selected employment tax to encourage labor to the manufacturing department.

In addition, Cardada focuses on the reform of economic development and international currency systems in developing countries, wrote a lot of founded papers and reports on this aspect. This is not open to the practice activities of the financial advisor to serve as a financial advisor in some developing countries.

Writings in the 1930s, a large number of papers and reports from 1960 to 1979, have been compiled into eight volumes of economic decent places:

value and allocation Thesis set "(1960)

" Economic Stability and Growth Discipline "(1960)

" Economic Policy Papers "(two volumes, 1964)

"Economic Theory Theory" (1978)

"Renewal of Applied Economics" (1978)

"Tax Report" (two volumes, 1979).


Book information

Title: Nicholas Carlo

Author :( Austrian) Jin, Jia Xiaoyu, Zhang Jun

Publishing House: Huaxia Publishing House

Publishing Time: 2010-2-1

ISBN: 9787508056449

Open: 16

pricing: 32.00 yuan

Content introduction

This book is in both theoretical and policies, exploring Cardo's life and work, and examining its works. And the impact of the viewpoint, in detail, his key role in the 20th century economics field. This book expounds the importance of this great economist in his era and our era.

Nisllas Carlo (1908-1986) is one of the main representatives of contemporary UK famous economists and the new Cambridge school. His childhood spent in Hungary, will settle in London, deeply affected by Hayek, Keynes et al. At the end of the 1930s, he reached the peak of career. He is ideal in balancing, welfare economics, business cycle, growth theory, comprehensive war economics. His works during World War I have played a major role in the production of large-scale social democratic groups, resulting in the L945 works of the party's collapse; and his work on the war is expected to appear in a new, better social model. In L949, Cardo moved to the Cambridge and became one of the designers of the Cairnsian growth and allocation theory. 10 years after World War II, Cardo played an important role in the British economic policy. In the 1980s, Cardo was the most powerful opponents of monetaryism, and his argument had a large number of audiences and outside the economics.

"Great Economist Series Translation" will focus on history and the greatest economists in history, through the interaction of their lives and work, and events around them. To show their economic ideas. This translation is simple, fun, whether professional economists or students who learn economics, and non-professional common masses, will be interested in this connection.

Author About

John Gold is an economic and financial professor of Australia's Economic and financial department.

Book catalog

Chapter 1 A economist from Hungary

1.1 Cardo plans to save the world

1.2 Budapest, Berlin, London and Cambridge

1.3 public figures and ordinary citizens

1.4 Cardo's 60-year economics business

Chapter 2 is not a ten-year nightmare

2.3 macroeconomics, capital and price

2.2 Balance (1934)

2.3 welfare (1939)

2.4 speculation

2.5 cycle (1940)

Chapter 3 Caldo's War

3.1 from London to Cambridge

3.2 How to pay the war

3.3 macro economists' explanation

3.4 Unless planned

3.5 Beverri Project 1: Welfare Country

3.6 Beverqi Plan 2: Fully employment in the peace period

3.7 after the war

Chapter 4. Recover the theoretical world

4.1 promotion "WA"

4.2 Trend and Cycle

4.7 / p>

4.4 Caldo's growth ideas: first growth model

4.5 Cardo's growth ideas: second growth model

4.6 Carlo's growth ideas: third growth model

4.7 theory, history and policy

4.8 The end of the high theory

Chapter 5 British economy disaster: 1964 ~ 1979

5.1 Start (1945 ~ 1951)

5.2 Cardo The socialist

5.3 "Wasted 13 years" (1951 ~ 1964)

5.4 First Wilson Government (1964-1970)

5.5 Theory and Practice

5.6 Wilson and Kalahan Government (1974-1979)

5.7 Description

Chapter 6 Caldo and Third World

6.1 Underdeveloped countries

6.2 development economist

6.3 policy analysis

6.4 tax consultant

6.5 Stagnation and North-South Model for Unstability and Growth

6.6 Cardo learned from the development

Chapter 7 Monetaryism Disaster

7.1 Money Number Where

7.2 New Moneyism

7.3 First Phase and Second Phase Metual

7 .4 an angry old man

7.5 "Wenhua" limitations

7.6 uncomidized victory

Chapter 8 Economics discretion < /> (p

8.2 balanced economics;

8.3 Caldo's methodology

8.4) Learned

8.5 Cardo and Post Cairnsian

8.6 from the bureau to the foreigner

Chapter 9 Caldo in the same year and in the contemporary

9.1 Other people's statement

9.2 Advantages and Weak points

9.3 Cardo in the same year and in the contemporary


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