
honggarae 27/11/2022 464


Xiaoschi, published "Mormon" in 1830. "Mormon" is an important place name in the "Mormon". One of them took this name "Motor" with this name. The name of the "Mormon" is the name of the top know. Come, in addition, there is a book called "Mormon" in the "Mormon". English MORMON is also commonly used to refer to believers groups that believe in Mormon.



Mormon and later Saint Movement are different, Mormon is only used in part of the subuniter. Mormon is often used alone for the theology and subcompices of Saints Church in the late Jesus Christ. The church is a biggest one claimed to be the church group of Mormon. Some of the other main sects (including Christian communities) from the same movement sometimes keep the distance from Mormon. Mormon also includes many concepts in late Saint Sports, including many cultures, instead of belonging, and believers of churches outside the later Saint-Saint-Saint-Saint-Dise.

Many people think that they are associated with Mormonism is willing to be called later saints. Some other names include "LDS", "Saint", "Mormon". Some reliability believers use the word "Mormon" and no longer willing to be called "Mormon".

Mormon is a believer that beliefs the book. The most important sect in Mormon is the Saints Church in the late Jesus Christ, because other sects are relatively small, the Mormon usually refers to the meeting of Saints Church in the late Jesus Christ. Mormon is the mainstream and continuation of the Saint Shengxing, The official name of Mormon is the late Saint (Chinese old translation as the end of the Saints).

Mormon Early, the system is implemented, and the system is abolished.

MORMON, headquartered in the Utah Salt Lake City, Mormon, known as Latter-Day Saint.

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