
honggarae 16/06/2022 749


mercantilism is the first bourgeois economics he says. And development in Europe and the collapse of feudalism period of primitive accumulation of capital, its capitalist mode of production were initial theoretical study.


15 century, Western society into the collapse of the feudal society of the period, capitalist relations of production began to grow and grow; geographical discovery expanded the world market, to business and industry, the maritime industry with great stimulation; industrial and commercial capital plays prominent role in promoting the harmonization of national domestic market and the formation of the world market, and promote the development of industry and commerce and foreign trade; to strengthen the industrial and commercial capital at the same time, some countries in Western Europe to establish a centralized state enlightened despotism, the use of force to support industrial and commercial capital of the country develop. With the development of industry and commerce capital and implementation of national policies to support industrial and commercial capital, resulting in a requirement set forth in these economic policies in theory, gradually formed a theory of mercantilism.

mercantilism (Mercantilism) Western Europe feudalism to capitalism transition period (period of primitive accumulation of capital), subject to an economic philosophy generally respected.


early 15th century, when the Renaissance due to enter the early stages of development, the rise of mercantilism, when the pursuit of faster development of commodity production on society, the pursuit of rapid industrial and commercial capital increase, it has become an irresistible trend, which is an important cause of mercantilism produced. However, the generation and deeper background mercantilism, it is in the pursuit of faster development of commodity production, the pursuit of a rapid increase in industrial and commercial capital of this strong trend under the impact of changes in the economic and social forms of class relations in Western Europe caused. New economic development, causing changes in all sectors of society, the old nobility into a real businessman, businessmen set up factories firm, the founder of the bank, the natural economy to a commodity economy, mercantilism is produced in such a context .

development period

mercantilism promoted the development of commodity-money relations and capitalist industry and commerce, to create the necessary conditions for growth and the establishment of the capitalist mode of production. Mercantilist policy, promote the theory in the history of the primitive accumulation of capital, and promote the establishment and development of the capitalist mode of production. State adhering to mercantilism, such as Anglo-American countries such as China and even mercantilist also become the world's number two economic power, physiocracy countries such as France, Italy and other Latin countries the West, focusing on the development of heavy countries such as Germany and Russia.

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