Maxim Wei Gang

honggarae 24/11/2022 444
synonyms Weygand (World War II French general) generally refers to Maxime Weygand

Foch's chief of staff

1867 was born in Brussels, Belgium. In 1887 he graduated from Saint-Cyr. After studying at the school and taught Suo Muer Cavalry, 1913, General Ferdinand Foch get appreciation, as its 20 army chief of staff in Lorraine, in the border war in 1914 and its co-operations, when Foch August 28 when he was promoted to commander of the ninth Army, he served as Army chief of staff also will be. 1915-- 1916 Foch any of the northern army group commander, he was still chief of staff of Army Group Foch, the French in 1917, the highest of any member of the Military Committee. 1918 Chief of Staff of the French supreme commander Foch. Promoted to admiral.

mechanization reform

1920 ~ 1922 Nian any head of the French military mission in Poland to help Joseph Pilsudski reforming the army, defeated Mikhail Nepal Nikolaevich · 图哈切夫斯基 command of the Western Army of the Soviet Red Army. After the wave forces continue to be responsible for training and logistics. 1923 in Syria and chief military adviser to Lebanon, is in fact a colonial governor. In mid-1930 as director of military research center, chief of staff, in the French army during peacetime 20 divisions in seven motorized achieved. Following the 1931 Henri Philippe Petain vice chairman of the Supreme Military Council, director of the Army. In this role, for the realization of the French army mechanization has made important role, in 1932 to establish a new Cavalry Division, an armored combines mechanical trip (half-track) and two cavalry brigades, in May 1933 in Reims 4th cavalry division to achieve complete mechanization and the division including 240 armored vehicles, four armored mechanized battalion and auxiliary forces, the political opposition to his policy of appeasement. January 21, 1935 when he was 68 years old birthday from active service. In 1937 he participated in the mitral fascist partisans party activities.

France campaign

1939 to restore the military, and was appointed army commander in Syria, Lebanon and France. Chouzu Eastern Army. Ready to attack the South into the Soviet Union. May 19, 1940 due to France, Britain, steadily lost than the coalition suffered heavy losses after Maurice Gustave Gamelin was removed from the post of General Lin Wei, newly appointed chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense and the French Total commander. When he was 73 years old. Although he showed plenty of energy and confidence, but the war has been undone. A time when the Dunkirk retreat, the French elite main force wiped out. He relies on the remaining forces to establish so-called "Weygand line of defense" along the Somme to the Aisne, June, Weygand line of defense is broken, the Germans swept the coastal areas, to prevent the destruction of the war in Paris, then Paris United Petain declared as "not fortified city. " After the recommended conditional surrender was accepted.

1940 from July to September, Ren Weixi government defense minister, army establish a truce. Ren Weixi chief representative government in the North and North Africa from September illegal military commander. February 1941, signed a "Weygand - Murphy Agreement", trying to get US economic aid, causing discontent in Germany. In November, he was recalled to France dismissed. And a second time to get back to the pension Glass estate.

old age

1942 In November 2009, due to the Allied landings in North Africa, in an attempt to meet with North Africa, unsuccessfully, he protested the Germans occupied the south of occupied France and Africa, is the SS arrest. Since December the following year imprisoned in Austria. Until 1945. After being released back into the French Charles de Gaulle government delivered military court, he was released in May 1946, May 1948 acquittal, rehabilitation, just as de Gaulle said: "When May 20 Weygand took over the command of right, no doubt lived after it was too late. France fighting a losing battle. "peaceful retirement and a large number of books, January 28, 1965, at the age of 98 he died in Paris. Author of memoirs "outdated ideal" and so on.

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