Material scope

honggarae 28/07/2022 479


Simply put, "material scope" is to generalize and summarize material, it is philosophical concepts, both belong to the category of consciousness, but also the specific forms of substances. It is to reflect the substance of objective reality. The objective material is not dependent on human consciousness, human consciousness and to reflect reality. Material concept of dialectical materialism, summarizes the common nature of all objective existence of things and phenomena of the universe, rather than a specific physical form, namely: the substance is not the people's will and the transfer of objective reality, consciousness dependent in substance exist. Relationship material, physical form and material categories

conceptual distinction

simply say "substance" is a substance narrow concept , can be understood: abstract objective reality may be, the image of the atoms can be. Substance, is an objective reality of things. Substance category, is the product of human consciousness. So they are primary and secondary relationship! For the materialist, the primary matter is, is secondary consciousness or spirit.

is defined physical forms associated with the ideology, i.e. occurring substances and systematic theoretical situation, such as time, space, sports philosophy is systematic and theoretical outlines of.

Material scope

substance concept relationships PHILOSOPHY visible substance and Natural Science

is a visible substance PHILOSOPHY sum abstract various specific material form. Natural science a level such as atoms, protons and other material form or just some specific human knowledge about the matter category.

Simply put, the philosophy of the matter, is that objective reality; natural sciences in the matter, referring to the specific material form. Materialism and the relationship between substance category

does not depend on human consciousness, but consciousness is reflected in all objective reality. There are infinitely rich, vastly different in kind, objects, their attributes and relationships system, the material is their sum or concept in the world.

human understanding of the physical areas have a long history. Ancient naive materialism that matter is a specific kind, such as ancient Greek philosophers, that matter is such as water, fire or air. Chinese philosopher that matter is gold, wood, water, fire, earth five elements. Some ancient philosophers such as Democritus and other ancient Greece also raised speculation about atoms, the smallest unit of a substance believed to be atomic. Mechanical materialism of modern natural science was based on traditional knowledge of substance, it will be understood that the physical substance atomic particles, that it has the quality of the same, inseparable and other characteristics. These views from understanding the specific form of the substance and structure of the material concept of matter, not sure there are all kind of essential attribute, not a scientific concept of matter, can not explain the infinite variety, unity of the material world vastly different. With the development of science, the old view of matter more and more loopholes.

Materialistic concept overcomes the limitations of the old materialism substance category, made provisions for material science category, pointed out that the substance is the philosophy of the most basic and widely category. Matter of objective reality is a sign of philosophical categories, it does not depend on human consciousness, human consciousness is reflected. Not to any particular species of physical forms, objects, their attributes system, but the concept of their sum, which is the most common characteristics. The only properties of the material is its objective reality. Substance category is the cornerstone of materialism.

substances defined dialectical materialism, has experienced science test. Modern physics in the 20th century discovered radioactivity. At that time it was considered "material destroy" the attempt to deny the substance of the definition of dialectical materialism. In fact radioactivity does not deny the objective reality of matter, radiation generated in the process of smaller particles, the loss of part quality, a certain energy. Modern physics has proved that mass and energy can be transformed into each other. Therefore, the objective radioactivity negative than material reality, but metaphysical views on the matter existence invariance.

How to understand the substance category

substance category is the cornerstone of Marxist philosophy, how to correctly understand the scope of the material for awareness of Marxist philosophy plays a decisive role . At present the main philosophy understood as a matter of common materials and a variety of specific objective reality, but what is common to the specific substance is, what is the objective reality but did not explain. We consider it necessary for the common variety of specific substances, objective reality be explained, in order to clarify some of the material concept of non-Marxist philosophy, the Marxist-Leninist philosophy more perfect.

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