Marian Lugu

honggarae 02/03/2023 371

Character introduction

Marian Lupu, the Moldova Parliors, the president. Born on June 20, 1966, born in the northern city of Moldova, graduated from Moldova National University, 2007, and received a Ph.D. in Economics. From 1991, we worked in the Ministry of Economics, 1994 and 1996, in Washington and Geneva participated in the International Monetary Fund and the Trade Class of the World Trade Organization. In 1997, he served as the Secretary for Foreign Relations. In May 2001, the deputy ministers of the Ministry of Economic Department, and the Minister of Economic Department in August 2003. March 24, 2005 to May 5, 2009, Ren Moldova Parliament. In June 2009, he suddenly announced that the Communist Party and soon became the leader of the Democratic Party. At that time, public opinion generally believed that the President of the Communist Party nominations was the main reason for the Lugu Party.

Lup is easy to speak English, French and Russian. He is married, there are two children.

Political crisis

April 5, 2009, Moldova held a 4-year-old parliamentary election. After the initial results of the Central Electoral Commission, the Gulin Party Molding Party Party Dasings, the three major opposition protests of the Parliament, which triggered large-scale protests and upgrades to violent incidents. The Mock Constitutional Court then decided to re-vote against the parliamentary elections. On April 21, the re-voting results announced by the Central Electoral Commission were very different from the original counts, and the four political parties entered the Parliament did not increase or decrease. The 60th seats in the Mocon won the 60 seats, the Liberal Party and the Freedom Democratic Party won 15 seats, and our Moldovard won 11 seats. On April 22, the Mochemochemical Court announced that the re-voting results were valid.

May 20 The difference between the statutory votes required for the elected president only.

June 3, the Moldova held a second presidential election was boycotted against the party, and the Parliament failed to elect the new president. According to the Constitution, due to the failure of the two electoral presidents, it is necessary to select ahead.

On July 29, Moldova held a parliamentary election in advance, won the 53 seats, the Liberal Party, the Democrats and the "Moldovada Alliance" formed "integration into the European" ruling alliance, and the first Big Gongtou's apex.

November 10, the Moldova Parliament held a presidential election again. Due to the candidate launched by the ruling alliance, the Democratic Chairman Marian Lugu did not receive the number of votes required, so the parliament failed to elect the new president.

December 7, Moldova Parliament conducted a second vote on the only presidential candidate Maryon Lugu. Due to the collective boycott of the Mogas Party (Movie), the presidential election is again abortion. According to the Constitution, if the parliament fails, the parliament will be disgraced and will be held in advance, but the election cannot be advanced twice a year.

Elected President

November 28, 2010, Moldova held a parliamentary election in advance, the liberal party, the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party in the Ruling Union in the Four Party, and entered the new one. A Parliament.

On December 30, Mallova's new parliamentary election Democratic Chairman Marian Lup was a new one, and he will be a national president. Moldova Freedom Democratic Party, Democrats and Libeors announced earlier, and the Moquette will then convene the meeting of the election of the election of the meeting. Since the seat of the three party ruling alliance exceeds half of the parliamentary tickets required by the Election Speaker, and the only opposition party party did not propose candidates, Lu Pu, the joint nomination of the ruling alliance, as the only candidate to be successful.

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