Joseph Von, Fu

honggarae 18/02/2023 285
synonym, Joseph Fun, General refers to Joseph Von Fun and Fee

Character experience

Born in Munich, Munich, Munich, is a glass The eleventh child of the craftsman, parents are very poor. Fu Hao and fee 11 years old became an orphan, 1806 a glass workshop in Munich as an apprentice.

1801, the house of this workshop collapsed, Bavaria, the emperor, Maximi, Maximi, personally took people to save them from the ruins. Maximilian people live in love and fees, providing a chance to learn books and learning. After 8 months, Fu Hao and fees were sent to the famous Optics Academy of Dick Tibbeau Monastery, which attached great importance to the glass production process.

In 1818, Fu Hao and fees have become the main leadership of the Institute of Optics. He designed and created a colorimetric lens, and the first Newton loop method examined the optical surface processing accuracy and lens shape, which has an important impact on the development of application optics. Optical instruments such as the large refraction telescope he makers have a prestigious. Due to the efforts of Fu Hao and Fee, Bavaria replaced the UK became the production center of optical instruments at that time, and even Michael Farah could only be willing to worship.

1823 served as the Ministry of Missionology and Professor of Munich University, Munich, Academician, Munich, Articles

1824, Fu Hao and Fee were awarded Blue Max Medal, became a noble and Munich Honor Citizens. Due to the long-term metal poisoning, Fu Yao and the year were only 39 years old.

Main achievements

Pu Yan and fees are mainly concentrated in spectra. In 1814, he invented the spectrometer, in the sunshine spectrum, he found 574 black lines, which were called Fu Hao and tip. More than 30,000 people have been discovered.

Fu Hao and fees have found the absorption line in the sun spectrum, recognizing that they are equivalent to the launch in sparks and flames, and the first use of diffraction gratings (also have been made in various forms) The raster may also be considered one of the founders of the spectroscopy.

in 1821, he published parallel light through a series of studies of seamless diffraction (the latter is called Fu Yu and fees, far field diffraction), did the experiment of spectral resolution, the first The diffraction grating was quantified, and the wavelength of light was measured, and the grating equation was given in the future.

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