
honggarae 20/09/2022 506

Common Tag

< TD> with @throws.
Tag Description JDK 1.1 Doclet Standard DOCLET < / TD> Tag type
@Author author author identity package, class, interface
@version version number version number Pack, Class, Interface @Param Parameter Name Description method into the paragraph and description Information, if you have special requirements, you can comment herein. Constructor, method
@return Description Note for functions method @DEPRECated Expired Text < / TD> Identification With the programs version, the current API has expired, only to ensure that the compatibility still exists, the developer who will not use this API again. package, class, interface, value domain, constructor, method
@Throws anomaly class Constructor or method will thrown. Constructor, Method
@Exception Abnormal class name Constructor, method
@see reference View related content, such as classes, methods, variables, etc. package, class, interface, value domain, constructor, method
@since Description Text API What version of the program is supported. package, class, interface, value domain, constructor, method
{@LINK package. Class # member tab} links to a specific member corresponding to a particular member. package, class, interface, value domain, constructor, method
{ @Value} When commented on the constant, if you want to include it in the document, the value of the constant is referenced by this tag. √ (JDK1.4) Static Value

Also @serial , @ Serialfield, @ serialData, {@ critdoc}, {@ literal}, {@ code} {@Value arg} Several unused labels, because of not use, we do not expand narrative, Readers can view help documents.

command format

javadoc command format is as follows:

javadoc [option] [package name] [source file]

one option Yes:

-overview Read the overview document of the HTML file

-public only display public class and member

-protaced display protected / public class and members (Default)

-Package Display Package / Protected / Public Class and Members

-Private Display All Class and Members

-help Display Command Line Options And exit

-Doclet By replacing the Doclet generation output

-docletpath specifies the location

-SourcePath specifies the location of the search source file

-classpath Specifies the location of the user class file

-exclude Specifies the list of packages to exclude

-subpackages Specify the subclass package to be recursively loaded

-breakiterator Using BreakITerator to calculate the first sentence

-bootclasspath Overwrite the location of the class files installed by the boot class loader

-source provides the source of the specified version Compatibility

-extdirs Overwrite Installation Extended Directory Location

-verbose Output Message About Javadoc's Operations

-locale To use Language Environment For example, en_us or en_us_win

-Encoding Source file encoded name

-quiet does not display status message

-j direct delivery to runtime system

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