
honggarae 07/03/2023 367


1936, the Japanese scholar in Taiwan ended the rule of the governor, re-send soldiers. Admiral Kobayashi Governor Ji created immediately advertised to achieve the "three": "Kominka, industrialization, south of the base." South into the industrial base of the hardware construction, Kominka for people.

1937 years, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, the fear of the people of Taiwan will move against partial to "China", "Japanese" further accelerate the pace. Japan after the Great East Asia War broke out, adjust its Taiwan policy, and implemented a series of colonization and forced assimilation policies in Taiwan, "Japanese Movement" is a product of this environment.

1937 Nian 9 Ri Yue 30 Japanese Colonial Rule in Taiwan's Public Hall at the "National Spirit Mobilization lecture" in Taipei. "Japanese" campaign officially began on this.


1937 Nian and 1940 is "Japanese" and "National Spirit Mobilization" period, the focus is "to establish awareness of the current situation, to strengthen the national consciousness" various events, from the ideological attempt to eliminate the concept of the people of Taiwan to the motherland, the great Japanese subjects instill awareness. And shortly after the start of the Korean peninsula also drive innovation's renamed and ask the public to read the movement of the oath of imperial subjects.

1941, the governor replaced Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Japan and Taiwan, and his military commander Masaharu Homma co-chaired, was established on April 9 "Japanese dedication and will." This organization became movement from the Government House to cover the organs, down to the local governments in Taiwan, seamless promote organ. "Japanese Movement" into the second phase, "Japanese dedication and movement."

The Japanese authorities also social elite network all over Taiwan, dedication and will serve as cadres and people of the emperor, in addition to people has always been pro-Japanese, even Lin Hsien - tang this national movement leader is also the spot, as Wong dedication and people will post.



With the organization, as there is specific. In religion, Kominka to national Shinto in Japan, replacing traditional folk religion in Taiwan, Taiwanese worship requires Japan's "Amaterasu" to promote the shrine activities. Pupils were prescribed monthly 1, 8, 15, visited the Yasukuni Shrine.


Colonial, is brainwashing. It will Kominka dedication and brainwashing institutions, whose members include 600 million people in full-time Taiwan. Huang Min dedication and organization apart from the will of the Government House to the most basic level, it also includes a number of industries, sectors of society, such as industry, dedication and will, dedication and literary group, the Patriotic woman will wait, trying to make people become "holy war" in a molecular.

During the Colonial, the Japanese shrine built in Taiwan, more than double than the original. Throughout the Japanese occupation, Taiwan's total of 68 shrines, of which 38 are between 1937 to 1943 cover. For the original Buddhism, Taoism and other temples, imperial dedication and people will be "sort Temple", it greatly reduced the number of an attempt to gradually eliminate these traditional beliefs.

Colonial there is a focus on shaping the image of the Emperor of Heaven, let the people pay homage. After the student to school daily, I would like to salute the emperor portraits. North Korea will rise after the Japanese flag every day, must face away from the direction of the palace worship.

to implement Japanese

Japan actively universal education and the promotion of Japanese in Taiwan. 1930 school-age children enrollment rate in Taiwan is less than 30%, to 1938, increased to 50% more in 1943 increased to 92%. 1930 Taiwan understand Japanese people less than 10 percent in 1937 soared 40% to 70% more in 1944. "Japanese" campaign is not only to make a fuss from the language, the text calls for "a Japanese-style civilization," but also forced Chinese people from living habits: emulate aspects of religion, culture and art, seasonal solar terms to the Japanese way.

"Mandarin" campaign is Kominka important content. "Mandarin" refers to Japanese. In Kominka period, a large number of additional "national language institute" to encourage Taiwanese say "national language", to popularize Japanese language ability. 1943, the people of Taiwan more than 80% of the so-called "Mandarin answer person" (people who understand Japanese). After April 1937, Governor-total ban on the newspaper EDITION. In most of the Japanese occupation period, Taiwan Normal School opened a Chinese language class, now no longer appears. Students at the school were asked to talk about "national language." In the general community, reward, said the "national language." For the whole family 24 hours a Japanese conversation (completely abandon their native language) knowledge of the family, is given "national language family" in the title, "Mandarin family" can enjoy many benefits, such as children have the opportunity to enter primary school, secondary school, public authorities priority appointments, and so more food ration.

Change Name

Japanese colonial authorities encouraged Taiwanese Japanese name change is called, is a "real Japanese" an important form. However, to change the name of a "license" system, does not have the forced nature of the conditions is not enough, not when the "real Japanese." By the end of 1943, Japan changed the name of the people accounted for 2% of the population at that time. Although no mandatory renamed, but for some upper class or the public related to personnel, the environment and society as a whole atmosphere there is pressure for change of name. Many people thus changed the name. But in spite of "not use this name to the name of the source of Chinese surname" ban, he played a surname with a strong national colors, such as Chen changed Egawa, Jiangxia Huang instead. Taiwan's former leader Lee Teng-hui has been renamed the "Rock in Masao."

In Kominka movement, there are some social customs reform, such as activities to enhance the quality of the people, friendly sport, sports smile, courtesy campaign, and so on. For almost all the fundamental purpose of political movement, which is necessary "packaging." Of course, there have been unprecedented campaign to destroy the traditions and customs of the KMT.

Conception of Imperial History

In the "Japanese" late movement, exercise intensity reached hysterical. In view of the Japanese authorities, according to Taiwan 40 years and the majority of Taiwan and China still embrace strong national consciousness, the colonial authorities on the one hand vigorously Xuanzhuan Huang view of history to promote the so-called "Japanese spirit" and "Japanese soul", but in the specific political, social, ethnic relations the structure remains essentially colonial discrimination has always existed. Japanese colonies Taiwan authorities on the one hand the use of part of the national inferiority complex among the intellectuals and the people and for their own sense of despair civilized nation civilized, the other on "within (Japan) Taiwan (Taiwan) in the" Japanese "campaign as "," Make the people of the emperor "of the door, as long as everyone is self-publicity" Make, "" sophisticated ", you can forge a" real Japanese "and thus get rid of their inferior status as a colony of indigenous peoples.


The most basic purpose of promoting Japanese Movement are: field to narrow the distance with the Mainland, proponents believe that a single ethnic nation before World War II constitution ideal national values ​​of the country is very common, and promote assimilation policy is a necessary process of shaping the nation-state. Opponents thought Colonial is ignoring the destruction of traditional culture and traditional culture.

1945 Emperor of Japan announced its unconditional surrender. According to the "Cairo Declaration" stipulates that Japan "has stolen from the territory of China," Taiwan must be returned to China. At that time the Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan, Ando Liji that is instigated some of the Japanese militarists and "Japanese" to establish "Taiwan independence" in Taiwan organization, which is the originator of "Taiwan independence" activities, after being crushed. 1947 February 28 incident, was poisoned "Japanese" Young excited excitedly spread the news, by the Taiwan compatriots against the corrupt rule of the Kuomintang opportunity to fish in troubled waters, wearing old uniforms or past students served. Auto rally to attack the government agencies and the mainlanders, they sing songs in Japanese, dancing samurai sword, cursed continent artificial "Chinaman", "Qing Dynasty slaves", and to examine Japanese pedestrians, who are not fluent in Japanese who immediately Daogun kill. After the incident subsided, the "Japanese" Some fled the country, has become an important part of overseas "Taiwan independence" elements. The first generation of "Taiwan independence" forces the main stronghold in the island activity is Japan. For example, the first generation of "Taiwan independence" activities on behalf of Liao Wenyi long time in Japan, singing the praises of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan. Lee's separatist remarks have deep "Japanese" impact marks. Lee's father was the Japanese police, the family received Japan's "grace" in the school had been parties to get a special "care." When Kyoto Imperial University, he also actively respond to the call of the Japanese authorities, "volunteer for" Chiba flak military training school for half a year, became a Japanese artillery officer, prepare for the "emperor" of allegiance. In July 1994, Lee Teng-hui met with Japan's "Sankei Shimbun" company president Yu Zuo between heavy Chang, he had also said he was personally "would speak Japanese, pro-president of Japan."

recovery of Taiwan from 1945 to the 1960s, in Japan gathered a lot of "Taiwan independence" organizations and "Taiwan independence", they are in the vast majority of Japanese rule in Taiwan during the Japanese culture of faithful service of "Japanese", has a deep "Japan's complex."

research bibliography

Chen Xiaobo, 1991, 1937--1945 Taiwan in Colonial discussion, see Chen Li compiled the hole, "Taiwan Studies ten years." Taipei, Bo Yuan Publishing Ltd

Chen Ying-chen, 1998, Taiwan Local Literature: clean up and criticize people of the emperor literature. Taipei, human Publishing

Ching, Leo TS 2001. '' Becoming "Japanese": Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation '' Berkeley and Los Angeles:. University of California Press

< p> Chou, Wan-yao 1991. The Kominka Movement:.... Taiwan under Wartime Japan, 1937-1945 Ph.D. diss, Yale University

Fix, Douglas Lane 1993. Taiwanese Nationalism and Its . late Colonial Context Ph.D. diss, the University of California, Berkeley

He Yilin, 1986, research Kominka policies: the end of the Japanese occupation of Taiwan Japanese education policy and education campaign. Master's thesis on the inquiry of the Chinese Culture University

Li Wenqing, Strategy 2001, Colonial Writers: The Colonial Period "decisive battle in Taiwan collection of short stories" as the center. Master's thesis Chinese Language and Literature Department of Jinan International University

Linrui Ming, 1996, the commotion of the soul: Taiwan writer and literary people of the emperor during the battle, see Zhangyan Xian, Li Xiaofeng, Bao Dai village knitting, Taiwan History Selected Papers ( under), pp. 203-32. Taipei, Yushan She

Yang Jiancheng, 1995, Taiwanese gentry Kominka Case Study: 450 during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan gentry change Japanese surnames of the statistical analysis of the case. Panchiao City, Taipei County, Long text

Chou Wan-yao, 1996, see Taiwan and South Korea of ​​Japanese Movement (1937-1945) from a comparative perspective, see Zhangyan Xian, Li Xiaofeng, Dai Bao village knitting, Taiwan history Selected papers (under), pp. 161-201. Taipei, Yushan She

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