Group flag

honggarae 12/03/2023 459


Group flag is the standard or basis for dividing the statistics into several nature of different parts.

Group flag

The group flag is based on the overall group, and the group flag will be protruded from the difference in the overall unit in this mark, and mask the overall unit in other markers. Therefore, how to correctly select a group logo, an important issue when it is a statistical grouping.


The choice of group flag is the key to the statistical packet, which should generally follow the principles:

1, should be based on research The purpose of the problem and task selection group logo. Each of the general can group in accordance with many markers, which is specifically to group groups, depending on the purpose and tasks of statistical research. For example, when studying the age composition of the population, it should be packet "age"; when the status and role of various types of industrial enterprises should be posed in "economic type", and so on.

2, In several similar signs, you should select a flag that reflects the nature of the problem for grouping. Sometimes there may be several signs that seem to achieve the same research purpose. In this case, in-depth analysis should be conducted, the main, the marker that reflects the nature of the problem is grouped.

3, combined with the specific historical conditions in which the phenomenon is located, the method of specific analysis is used to select a group logo. For example, some signs can reflect the nature of the problem at the time, but later due to the development of the social economy, it may have passed the transit, and the statistical grouping will be selected to select a new group flag to group.

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