Digital copyright protection

honggarae 28/08/2022 498

New technology

Digital copyright management is a new technique proposed for digital copyright protection in a network environment, usually has the following six feature:

( 1) Digital Media Encryption: Package Encrypted Original Digital Media to facilitate safe and reliable network transmission.

(2) Block illegal content from registration: prevent illegal digital media from obtaining legal registration to enter the network circulation.

(3) User Environmental Detection: Detect user host hardware information such as behavioral environment, thereby entering user legality authentication.

(4) User Behavior Monitoring: Real-time tracking monitoring to the user's operation behavior to prevent illegal operations.

(5) Authentication mechanism: Authentication of legitimate users and authorizes the behavior of digital media.

(6) Payment Mechanism and Storage Management: Includes digital media itself and packaging files, metadata (keys, licenses), and other data information (such as digital watermarking and fingerprint information) storage management.

DRM technology can undoubtedly provide sufficient security for digital media.

l Security

Computer information system, the security level of the database reaches the national requirements

L efficiency

perfect audit function and backup Mechanism, at any time, the technical logistics guarantee team

L fair

time source is the national standard time, published by the national authority department

brand positioning


The copyright safety deposit box is a full-digital protection mode, and the first time is the right of the rights of the right to conduct online notarization, and the "Electronic Certificate" issued by the notary unit immediately. · Product Core: Electronic Head, New Copyright Protection Tools. Get the highest hospital recognition. · Product advantages: - easy to operate, no geographical, time limit, compared to traditional registration price, irreversible protection technology, unique digital password. - Fill the copyright protection technology in the Internet, complement each other with traditional copyright registration.

Applicable type

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Movie, TV, Animation, Music (MV), Art, Stage Performance, Advertising, Game Video

file type

Work type

type segment



professional book



words, song

professional file

contract, business plan, Copywriting


< p> Movies, TV, Art (cross talk, small products ...), game, animation, stage performance (musical, dance, dance, acrobatics), music (MV script), advertising copy (advertising script)



photography picture

Art Photography, commercial photography


engineering design, product design, model design


painting, calligraphy, Sculpture, anime (character prototype, manuscript)



music, curve, recording file

Digital copyright protection

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