Buck Strait

honggarae 18/06/2022 615


strait between

Palk Strait, southeastern tip of India and northwestern Sri Lanka, communicate the Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Mannar. 137 km length, width 64-137 km, an average depth of 2-3 meters, only the deepest 9 meters. There are many small islands connected intermittently. Jaffna coast of Sri Lanka, Hong Kong and southeast India trade was through this strait. Strait in the Bay of Bengal, between southeastern India and northern Sri Lanka, the south by Pam class (Pamban) island, Adam Bridge (the chain sandbar) and Mannar (Mannar) island is bounded. Width of 64 to 137 km (40 to 85 miles), 137 km long. India Wei cover (Vaigai) and several other rivers flow into the river. Contain a number of seats in Sri Lanka islands. Business Center Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka (Jaffna) in Hong Kong and southern India trade frequently. Strait, also known as the southwestern part of Palk Bay.


Adam Bridge (Adam'sBridge)

string between the southeastern tip of India and Sri Lanka 塔莱曼纳尔 达努什科迪reefs and shoals. North near the Palk Strait, south of the Gulf of Mannar. 29 km long, by ferry link.


Bay of Bengal

located Palk Strait north-east, west embedded Sri Lanka (Ceylon), north India, Myanmar to the east and Andaman - Nigeria Keba Hai ridge is bounded on the south by the southern tip of Sri Lanka Wu Dong Drago angle and the northwestern tip of Sumatra tired connections Loue angle is bounded. The southern boundary line length is about 1609 kilometers. Andaman - Nico Pakistani ridge exposed portion of the sea, north of the Andaman Islands, Nicobar Islands south to separate the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the east. Bay Top Ganges and Brahmaputra river delta giant. Other rivers flowing into the Bay of Moha Nadi Indian River, Godavari and Krishna rivers. It is an important passage between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Temperature 25-27 ℃. Salinity 30-34 ‰. There are many coastal thermophilic organisms, such as mangrove estuaries constant, Sri Lanka and other coastal shallows of pearl. Bay of Bengal (India named Meng Gubang) total area of ​​2.172 million square kilometers, with a total volume of 5.616 million cubic kilometers, with an average water depth of 2586 meters, the maximum depth of 5,258 meters. It is the world's first large bay. Between the Bay of Bengal in the Indian subcontinent, Indochina, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, at a depth of 2,000 to 4,000 meters, the southern half deep. There Ganges, Brahmaputra and other rivers into. There is an important port along the coast of Calcutta, Madras, Chittagong, is an important passage between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. India has an important port along the coast of Madras, Calcutta and Chittagong in Bangladesh and so on. Gulf of Mannar (Mannar, Gulfof)

located in the southwest Palk Strait, between southeastern India and western Sri Lanka. Width 130-275 km, 160 km long. India's acceptance Tamboux La Tierney River and Sri Lanka Alu Wei River and other rivers. In Sri Lanka coast rich pearl. Pearl 2 months per year, about 1 million people in the pearling industry. Northeast Salem to Nashua Lame island (Rameswaram), Adam Bridge (the chain sandbar) and Mannar Island is bounded width of 130 to 275 kilometers (80 to 170 miles), 161 kilometers long (100 miles). Famous for its pearl farms near Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka northwest end of the city port city. Mannar is located in the southeast of the peninsula, near the Gulf of Mannar. Population 10,000. Transportation center of the northern region, Colombo to 塔莱曼纳尔 by road and rail through here. The country's major fishing port. Rich pearl. Around rice production, coconut. There are weather stations. Bay on the Indian Ocean. Between southeastern India and western Sri Lanka. Width 130-275 km, 160 km long. India's acceptance Tamboux La Tierney River and Sri Lanka Alu Wei River and other rivers. In Sri Lanka coast rich pearl. Pearl 2 months per year, about 1 million people in the pearling industry.


coastal city in northern Sri Lanka. Located in Jaffna peninsula southwest, south of Jaffna lagoon. Population 133,000 (1984), residents Duotaimier people. Who have the capital of the Kingdom of Tamil history. Hindu center. Now the northern part of the economy, transportation center. Cereals, tobacco, coconut, mango distribution center. Several nearby small port, can be fishing sea cucumbers, sea turtles. There observatory, ancient castles and churches. East 奇维约泰卢 is the main salt.

Sri Lanka Briefing

southern tip of the subcontinent island in the Indian Ocean, northwest across the Palk Strait and across the Indian subcontinent. Close to the equator, such as summer and year-round, the annual average temperature of 28 ℃. Around the average annual precipitation 1283-3321 mm range. Beautiful scenery, known as "the pearl of the Indian Ocean," he said. 1500 years ago, the Aryans from North Indian immigrants to the island of Ceylon to establish a Sinhalese dynasty. 247 BC, the Indian Mauryan Ashoka sent his son to the island to carry forward Buddhism, was welcomed by the local king, from the Sinhalese abandon converted to Buddhism and Brahmanism. Around the second century BC, South Indian Tamils ​​have begun to migrate and settle in the island of Ceylon. From the 5th century to the 16th century, fought constantly between the island and the Kingdom of Tamil Sangha Luowang Guo. At first after the 16th century Portuguese and Dutch rule. Late 18th century became a British colony. February 1948 independence, given the country name Ceylon. May 22, 1972 was renamed the Republic of Sri Lanka. August 16, 1978 was renamed the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

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