
honggarae 13/03/2023 469

Historical Level

In September 1607, Europeans examined this area. The British colonists of Plimouth colonies in the 1625 colony have established a trade spot, which is the first European settle here. This residential point is located in the navigation end point of the Kennebeck River. The name of the residential point was the name of the Indian. Cushnoc. The fur trade trade in 32 was very beneficial. Since then, the British gave up this area for more than 75 years. In 1754, the British built a wooden building in the East Coast of Kennebeck. Today, this fortress is the oldest wood structure of the United States. It and the other two fortress on the riverside are built for attracting colonists. In 1771, this area belongs to Hanlongwell. In February 1797, the top of Hanlongwell was divided into a city, and this city was named Augusta in August of the same year. It became the county government in Kenneck County in 1799.

1827 Augusta officially became a state government. But before the 1832 state parliament building, Maine Parliament is still at Portland. In 1849, Augusta was officially enhanced as a city-level city.

Geographic location



Augusta (2 photos)

Augusta The geographic location is 44 ° 19'25 "north latitude, and the West is 69 ° 45'55" is the most east of the United States. According to the US Population Bureau's data of Augusta is 150.9 square kilometers, of which 143.4 square kilometers are land area, 7.5 square kilometers (4.98%) are water.

Population National

There are 18,560 residents in Augusta in accordance with the 2000 census data, divided into 8,565 households, a total of 4,607 families. The population density is 129.4 people / square kilometers. 95.21% of residents are white, 0.50% is a US black, 0.48% is an American indigenous, 0.35% is Asians, 0.01% is the Pacific indigenous, 0.16% is other people. 3.0% is mixed with bodies. 24.3% of the minors under 18 years old, 39.1% are married couples, 10.9% are single women who raise their children, 46.3% are not homes, 38.3% are single-owned Han, in 14.2% of 65 years old Elderly. There is 2.10 per household, 2.77 per family.

20.5% of the residents are minors under the age of 18, 8.7% between 18 and 24, between 25 and 44 years old, between 45 and 64 years old. 17.7% is the old ages over 65 years old. The average age is 40 years old. The woman's sex ratio of the man is 100: 89.9, the woman's gender ratio of the woman over the age of 18 is 100: 87.5.

The average annual income of $ 25,921, with an average annual income of $ 42,230. The average annual income of $ 31,209, a average annual income of $ 22,548. The average annual income is $ 14,145. About 14.4% of the family and 19.0% of residents living below the poverty line, including 26.2% of minors under the age of 18 and 11.8% old ages.

The scenic spot

State Songshuyuan is a tree with a botanical, an area of ​​224 acres of trees.

Maine State Museum and Maine State Library are located on the edge of the Maine Parliament Building. There is also a park and several monuments.

Famous celebrity

James G. Brian, politician, US Secretary of State.

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